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SIC DIVISIONE ELETTRONICA - Isolator 3x140a [3939185]

Isolator 3x140a
Isolator 3x140a
Code: 3939185
Distributors of automatic low battery voltage drop (0.25 V). They allowyou to charge three batteries 100AMP simultaneously, providing morethan charging the battery discharged. Made of aluminum with large finsthat may effectively dissipate the heat. Dim. 230x130x70 mm.
Availability: available*
Price: 82.50
 ! check out the catalog to verify picture and description
  Catalog Fni  
Product Description Unit
3939185 ISOLATOR 3X140A N
3939187 ISOLATOR 4X70A N
3939189 ISOLATOR 2X210A N
3939190 ISOLATOR 2X140A N
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